Our Sublease Policy

The way out of your lease agreement is through subleasing. Subleasing your apartment will be allowed only with management approval. If you would like to get out of your lease agreement the options available to you are listed below. Please read all of them thoroughly and discuss with your roommates before contacting us with your decision moving forward. All tenants are jointly and severely liable for their lease until the sublease has been finalized, or one of the agreements below has been signed off on by all parties. Once you have come to a decision and would like to move forward with the process please give us a call at 515-292-5050 or email

  • Removal From Lease

    If you are having a roommate issue, or threat within the unit to be fully removed from the lease during the lease term, charges MUST be filed by a leaseholder against the other leaseholder(s) through the legal system, processed, and provided to us. We must be given legal proof and cannot take one person's word over the other.

    Depending on the situation at hand, this may lead to an eviction due to a lease violation(s). All leaseholders are jointly and severely liable meaning all leaseholders names would be on the eviction.

  • Sublease the Room

    This is when one tenant is looking to sublease during the lease term, and others will be staying in the unit. 

    Contact the office and request an intent to sublease form. We will need the name of the tenant leaving, as well as the date they are looking to vacate. The form will be sent out electronically to all leaseholders. The form is to notify us (Landlord) of your intent. It is also to make sure that all leaseholders are informed and approve the process. The sublease fee is $200/bedroom or den which will be added to the online portal once the sublease is finalized. 

    The form must be completed and signed by all leaseholders 14 days prior to the new tenant(s) moving in.

    Once the form has been signed by all parties you are able to advertise your sublease online. It is your responsibility to find a subleasor. We recommend posting the unit on Facebook, there are many Iowa State and subleasing groups that have performed well for our tenants in the past. 

    Once someone is found they will need to submit a rental application and be approved. A new lease will be sent out to the unit for signing. All leaseholders staying the unit and the new subleaser will need to sign the lease agreement.

    Security deposit processes will vary based on the situation and what is already on file. 

    Move out instructions will be sent to the tenant leaving regarding key turn in, forwarding mail, cleaning, etc. There will be an inspection of the bedroom and bathroom (if applicable) to check for any major damages (hole in the wall, damaged flooring, etc.). We require a minimum of 5 business days in between move out and the start of the new lease.

    Once all of the above are completed the partial sublease will be completed.

  • Sublease the Apartment

    This is when all tenants are looking to sublease during the lease term. 

    Contact the office and request an intent to sublease form. We will need the name(s) of the tenant(s) leaving, as well as the date they are looking to vacate. The form will be sent out electronically to all leaseholders. The form is to notify us (Landlord) of your intent. It is also to make sure that all leaseholders are informed and approve the process. The sublease fee is $200/bedroom or den which will be added to the online portal once the sublease is finalized. 

    The form must be completed and signed by all leaseholders 14 days prior to the new tenant(s) moving in.

    Once the form has been signed by all parties you are able to advertise your sublease online. It is your responsibility to find a subleaser. We recommend posting the unit on Facebook, there are many Iowa State and subleasing groups that have performed well for our tenants in the past. Because this is a sublease of the entire apartment, we will post it to our website as available, and assist in advertising.

    Once someone is found they will need to submit a rental application and be approved. A new lease will be sent out to the subleasers for signing, and they will put down a new security deposit.

    Move out instructions will be sent to the tenant(s) leaving regarding key turn in, forwarding mail, cleaning, etc. We require a minimum of 5 business days in between move out and the start of the new lease. There will be an inspection of unit upon move out. Tenants are responsible for the rent until the apartment has been re-let (start of the new lease) regardless of the inspection date.

    Once all of the above are completed the sublease will be complete and the tenants leaving will no longer be responsible for the unit. They will receive a security deposit refund (minus any damages) within 30 days of the start of the new lease/sublease. 

  • Assume the Lease

    This is when one tenant is looking to sublease during the lease term, and others will be staying in the unit and they do not want a subleaser to move in. The tenants staying are able to assume the responsibility of the lease and absorb the rent. If this is not affordable to the exsisting tenants, the tenant moving out may negotiate to pay a portion up front. This is entirely up to the tenants. If negotiations occur, and a tenant is moving out, the difference must be paid in full and not on a monthly basis in order to be removed from the lease. A new lease would be created. We will bill back for our time involved for this process. 

  • Other

    If there are roommate issues in the apartment and no one can agree and cooperate with each other for a solution above, Iowa law states that you may sue each other in civil court at the end of the lease term. You have your lease document available through your online portal, as well as your ledger showing payment history. 

    We STRONGLY recommend showing respect and addressing the issue at hand with each other. If needed, reach out to friends or family to help everyone communicate with each other, offer support, and come up with a solution that works for all parties. 

    Our office will not assist in roommate disputes, it is the tenants responsibilty to resolve. Once you have determined the avenue you would like to move forward with our office will proceed with the next steps accordingly.

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